The "community" is still dodgy as ever. I won't reveal the latest development but, believe me, it is drawn out and ridiculous. I am getting closer to certain individuals but feeling the pressure of negotiating master plans and egos.
All I can do is work away at my own stuff- art, self-development, consciousness.
The last couple of weeks have been completely stressful, for lots of people- must be planetary pulls or the like. Hippy hippy hippy shit.
Some sad news- Mike has left and gone to Australia... I got the Mikey blues. Bel and myself managed to spend some time with him in Margate before he left, before taking him to the airport. Sob! He's a diamond bloke, who's been a main player in my life for the last 9 years, and I miss him alot here in Brighton. Probably the same if not more so for sweet Bel. Anyway, lets hope his life is good down under...