Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The last couple of weeks have seen me in Leeds, Wolves, London and Ireland... I've somehow found myself on a mad catch up mission, which has been fantastic if not exhausting (the traveling, not the time spent with loved ones). I spent almost a week with an old uni mate, Kyla, living in her gorgeous little cottage that backs onto woods- ?? And its in the heart of Leeds! We spent the time talking art, playing the guitar, walking in the woods with Bon, eating amazing veggie feasts... she took me on a sound journey, introduced me to some friends, and one night we trekked into the woods and built ourselves a fire. This was a little creepy at first- Kyla had a solar-powered torch that kept cutting out on us, and the pitch darkness coupled with the noises of the woods was all a little too Blair Witch! ... I relaxed after a time and enjoyed the ambiance.

Tell you what I really enjoyed...
Stomping around in boots! Ah man, it's a whole different experience not worrying about your shoes... mud is good! I'm going to get me a pair of walking boots and dirty them bad boys up.

On one of the days we journeyed down to Wolverhampton to catch an exhibition some friends Becky and A
d were in- The Something Collective, showing in Birmingham. Amazing venue, a decrepit old club house donated as a space before being refurbished. Ad's work encouraged the usual laughs (intentional and loving) and Becky's work is herself manifested on paper... sweet, romantic and nostalgic. The evening was spent in a pub back in Wolves, with more artists, talking art, toasting Ad's birthday and the numerous appearances his art had had in the local and national papers. I have to say I do get a good feeling in Wolves, and I do miss my friends there. It's so important to have supportive friends doing or attempting to do a similar thing- I need a scene. A crowd of artists to share experience and ideas with.

Train back to Margate, that evening booked a flight for the following night to Shannon, Ireland. Myself and Camila escaped England for three days, hired a car and stayed in the Burren
. We soaked up the beautiful countryside and the unusually good weather with long walks up mountains and around the coast. We also met many cousins and relatives of mine which made for lots of laughter... most of the time. I love them all- want to live there some time... soak it up. Paint landscapes. As usual the air was nourishing, and the sky felt close- I swear the clouds are lower in Ireland.

A few days in London allowed me to catch the Rothko exhibition at the Tate Modern- it was impressive. There is a definite spiritual aspect to his work that commands some respect- what a subject to tackle! The transcendence of the material. Its a hard thing to do- make art that speaks of the good stuff- much easier to tackle how shit things are in the world, the meaningless and the ugly. The exhibition was crowded so I couldn't meditate on it too much, but it is a wonderful show. It feels significant- see it if you can.

Whilst in London I was also a judge for a Photography competition at the Kalayaan- Centre for Oversees domestic workers... a charity set up to advise foreign men and women who are abused by their employees. Modern day slavery so to speak. Anyway, after a photography workshop, the domestic workers were invited to take and submit images they felt represented something about their lives in England. It was quite an interesting thing to be involved in and some good work surfaced. One guy shone. The prize has to be a voucher (not cash) which may enable him to continue with his artistic pursuits.

For now, I'm back in Margate... preparing for the move! Aaargh! Bite the bullet. I'll be there next week.


Anonymous said...

Wow Kristen.....just wow. It's so good to hear about the wonderful experiences your life is taking you through. Those wedding snaps are unreal!! Miss you terribly sweetheart-think about you a lot.
Copious amounts of Love to you, hope you're feeling a bit settled in your new home :)

Kristen said...

Thanks Kim- miss you too. Are you guys coming to England/Scotland/Wales? Maybe I come to you xx

Louise Halvardsson said...

sorry had forgotten about your blog ;=) but better late than never ! it's wonderful to be able to travel in your own country, staying with friends and experience new things. good that you got some art on the way as well ... and yes boots (rubber boots-wellingtons?) are great! I march through the Swedish woods not giving a damn about wet feet!- lou xx